Support Cooranbong
Community Services Centre

Support from people like you is what keeps Cooranbong Community Services Centre alive. Our donation-based Op Shop offers clothing, household items and furniture at affordable prices. All of the proceeds go toward providing emergency relief like food bank shopping, fuel vouchers, and clothing and furniture to the community. We also support events and rent event spaces that bring our community together. Sound like a mission you want to support? Get in touch with us.

Working Together

There are a number of ways you can work with Cooranbong Community Services Centre. Make donations of old clothing and household items to us on Mondays and Wednesdays. Volunteer in our Op Shop by sorting donations or making sales. Every effort we make helps create a stronger Cooranbong. We look forward to working with you.

Cooranbong Community Services
614 Freemans Drive
Cooranbong, NSW
AU 2265

Mon & Wed 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Mon – Fri Security gate opened for
approved donations from 08:00 AM – 04:00 PM

Get In Touch

To enquire about volunteering, donations, or how we can help you, call us on 02 4977 2096.

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